Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hill and Valley Quilt Block and A Song for Sunday

Hill and Valley Quilt Block
God Owns the Cattle
God owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;

He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.

Wonderful riches, more than tongue can tell -
He is my Father so they’re mine as well;

God owns the cattle on a thousand hills -
I know that He will care for me.

by John W. Peterson (1921-2006), published 1948.
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog post here.


  1. Thank you for posting this song. I often sing it to myself when I see cattle out in the fields as we drive. Love your blog!

  2. The red and white of the rocks were similar to those we just saw on a trip to Utah - beautiful!


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